CLI Usage

The wapm Command Line tool has the following subcommands:

wapm login

Logs the user in to the registry with the given credentials.

wapm logout

Logs the user out of the registry, resetting the token.

wapm whoami

Shows the current user logged in.

wapm config set <key> <value>

Sets a config key with the given value.

Note: when setting the registry.url, the registry.token will reset automatically.

wapm config get <key>

Gets the config key contents.

wapm search <query>

Search for packages related to the query.

wapm install <package>

Installs missing dependencies and the latest version of the package, optionally, specified.

A WAPM package can be installed globally by adding the -g flag

EG: wapm install -g cowsay

wapm run

Executes a package command with the run cli command. The command will be run with the Wasmer runtime.

wapm validate <wapm_package_dir>

Validate the sources of local WAPM modules. Will display an error if the sources are not valid WebAssembly.

wapm completions <shell>

Generate a shell completion script for WAPM for the specified shell.

wapm init

Initialize a new WAPM project by generating a wapm.toml in the current directory.

wapm list

Prints all commands and modules for a package in the current directory.

wapm uninstall <package>

The opposite of wapm install. Uninstall globally with the -g flag.

wapm bin

Print the .bin directory path for the local package. Get the global path with -g flag.

wapm keys

WAPM packages can be signed to ensure that they haven't been tampered with.

wapm keys list [-a]

list personal key pairs and trusted public keys

wapm keys generate <path>

generate a key pair at location <path> and register them with WAPM

wapm keys import <public-key-value> --user-name=<user-name>

import a public key for the given user

wapm keys register --public <public-key-location> --private <private-key-location>

register an existing key pair with WAPM

wapm keys delete <public-key-id>

delete the key pair matching <public-key-id>


During the alpha, telemetry (specifically error logging to Sentry) is enabled by default in the WAPM CLI. We send and record information such as IP address, operating system name and version, and the error/panic message.

To disable it, run wapm config set telemetry.enabled false or compile from source (the telemetry feature is disabled in the build by default).

Last updated