CLI Usage

This is the help output from the Wasmer CLI for wasmer --help :

WebAssembly standalone runtime.

    wasmer <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    cache          Wasmer cache
    compile        Compile a WebAssembly binary
    config         Get various configuration information needed to compile programs which use Wasmer
    create-exe     Compile a WebAssembly binary into a native executable
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    inspect        Inspect a WebAssembly file
    run            Run a WebAssembly file. Formats accepted: wasm, wat
    self-update    Update wasmer to the latest version
    validate       Validate a WebAssembly binary
    wast           Run spec testsuite

wasmer cache

    wasmer cache <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    clean    Clear the cache
    dir      Display the location of the cache
    help     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

wasmer compile

Compile a WebAssembly binary

    wasmer compile [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE> -o <OUTPUT PATH>

        --enable-all                Enable support for all pre-standard proposals
        --enable-bulk-memory        Enable support for the bulk memory proposal
        --cranelift                 Use Cranelift compiler
        --enable-verifier           Enable compiler internal verification
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --jit                       Use JIT Engine
        --llvm                      Use LLVM compiler
        --enable-multi-value        Enable support for the multi value proposal
        --native                    Use Native Engine
        --object-file               Use ObjectFile Engine
        --enable-reference-types    Enable support for the reference types proposal
        --enable-simd               Enable support for the SIMD proposal
        --singlepass                Use Singlepass compiler
        --enable-threads            Enable support for the threads proposal
    -V, --version                   Prints version information

        --header <HEADER PATH>               Output path for generated header file
    -o <OUTPUT PATH>                         Output file
    -m <cpu-features>...                     
        --llvm-debug-dir <llvm-debug-dir>    LLVM debug directory, where IR and object files will be written to
        --target <target-triple>             Compilation Target triple

    <FILE>    Input file

wasmer config

Get various configuration information needed to compile programs which use Wasmer

    wasmer config [FLAGS]

        --bindir        Directory containing Wasmer executables
        --cflags        C compiler flags for files that include Wasmer headers
    -h, --help          Prints help information
        --includedir    Directory containing Wasmer headers
        --libdir        Directory containing Wasmer libraries
        --libs          Libraries needed to link against Wasmer components
        --pkg-config    It outputs the necessary details for compiling and linking a program to Wasmer, using the `pkg-
                        config` format
        --prefix        Print the installation prefix
    -V, --version       Prints version information

wasmer create-exe

Compile a WebAssembly binary into a native executable

    wasmer create-exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE> -o <OUTPUT PATH>

        --enable-all                Enable support for all pre-standard proposals
        --enable-bulk-memory        Enable support for the bulk memory proposal
        --cranelift                 Use Cranelift compiler
        --enable-verifier           Enable compiler internal verification
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --llvm                      Use LLVM compiler
        --enable-multi-value        Enable support for the multi value proposal
        --enable-reference-types    Enable support for the reference types proposal
        --enable-simd               Enable support for the SIMD proposal
        --singlepass                Use Singlepass compiler
        --enable-threads            Enable support for the threads proposal
    -V, --version                   Prints version information

    -o <OUTPUT PATH>                         Output file
    -m <cpu-features>...                     
    -l <libraries>...                        Additional libraries to link against. This is useful for fixing linker
                                             errors that may occur on some systems
        --llvm-debug-dir <llvm-debug-dir>    LLVM debug directory, where IR and object files will be written to
        --target <target-triple>             Compilation Target triple

    <FILE>    Input file

wasmer inspect

Inspect a WebAssembly file

    wasmer inspect [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE>

        --enable-all                Enable support for all pre-standard proposals
        --enable-bulk-memory        Enable support for the bulk memory proposal
        --cranelift                 Use Cranelift compiler
        --enable-verifier           Enable compiler internal verification
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --jit                       Use JIT Engine
        --llvm                      Use LLVM compiler
        --enable-multi-value        Enable support for the multi value proposal
        --native                    Use Native Engine
        --object-file               Use ObjectFile Engine
        --enable-reference-types    Enable support for the reference types proposal
        --enable-simd               Enable support for the SIMD proposal
        --singlepass                Use Singlepass compiler
        --enable-threads            Enable support for the threads proposal
    -V, --version                   Prints version information

        --llvm-debug-dir <llvm-debug-dir>    LLVM debug directory, where IR and object files will be written to

    <FILE>    File to validate as WebAssembly

wasmer run

Run a WebAssembly file. Formats accepted: wasm, wat

    wasmer run [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE> [--] [--]...

        --enable-all                Enable support for all pre-standard proposals
        --enable-bulk-memory        Enable support for the bulk memory proposal
        --cranelift                 Use Cranelift compiler
        --disable-cache             Disable the cache
        --enable-verifier           Enable compiler internal verification
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --jit                       Use JIT Engine
        --llvm                      Use LLVM compiler
        --enable-multi-value        Enable support for the multi value proposal
        --native                    Use Native Engine
        --object-file               Use ObjectFile Engine
        --enable-reference-types    Enable support for the reference types proposal
        --enable-simd               Enable support for the SIMD proposal
        --singlepass                Use Singlepass compiler
        --enable-threads            Enable support for the threads proposal
    -V, --version                   Prints version information

        --dir <DIR>...                       WASI pre-opened directory
        --mapdir <GUEST_DIR:HOST_DIR>...     Map a host directory to a different location for the wasm module
        --env <KEY=VALUE>...                 Pass custom environment variables
    -i, --invoke <invoke>                    Invoke a specified function
        --llvm-debug-dir <llvm-debug-dir>    LLVM debug directory, where IR and object files will be written to

    <FILE>     File to run
    <-->...    Application arguments

wasmer self-update

It auto-updates Wasmer to the most-recent published version.

wasmer validate <path>

Validate a WebAssembly binary

    wasmer validate [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE>

        --enable-all                Enable support for all pre-standard proposals
        --enable-bulk-memory        Enable support for the bulk memory proposal
        --cranelift                 Use Cranelift compiler
        --enable-verifier           Enable compiler internal verification
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --jit                       Use JIT Engine
        --llvm                      Use LLVM compiler
        --enable-multi-value        Enable support for the multi value proposal
        --native                    Use Native Engine
        --object-file               Use ObjectFile Engine
        --enable-reference-types    Enable support for the reference types proposal
        --enable-simd               Enable support for the SIMD proposal
        --singlepass                Use Singlepass compiler
        --enable-threads            Enable support for the threads proposal
    -V, --version                   Prints version information

        --llvm-debug-dir <llvm-debug-dir>    LLVM debug directory, where IR and object files will be written to

    <FILE>    File to validate as WebAssembly

wamser wast

Run spec testsuite

    wasmer wast [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE>

        --enable-all                Enable support for all pre-standard proposals
        --enable-bulk-memory        Enable support for the bulk memory proposal
        --cranelift                 Use Cranelift compiler
        --enable-verifier           Enable compiler internal verification
    -f, --fail-fast                 A flag to indicate wast stop at the first error or continue
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --jit                       Use JIT Engine
        --llvm                      Use LLVM compiler
        --enable-multi-value        Enable support for the multi value proposal
        --native                    Use Native Engine
        --object-file               Use ObjectFile Engine
        --enable-reference-types    Enable support for the reference types proposal
        --enable-simd               Enable support for the SIMD proposal
        --singlepass                Use Singlepass compiler
        --enable-threads            Enable support for the threads proposal
    -V, --version                   Prints version information

        --llvm-debug-dir <llvm-debug-dir>    LLVM debug directory, where IR and object files will be written to

    <FILE>    Wast file to run

Last updated